Thursday, April 1, 2010

My strange relationship with my mothers sister.

Dear Mom,
I flew out to see your sister with my best friend this weekend. The trip was interesting. I swear it's like sometimes I can look into her eyes and see you. It's so wierd because you guys are completly different.
When she came out when I was little, I believe it was the last time she saw you. It was the most awkward Visit ever. We couldn't let her into our motel room because it was to dirty to let anyone see. I think we went to the beach, because I have pictures of it that she sent me when you passed. You smoked a bowl before you saw her and said you wanted to relax. I had to run out of the motel and meet her. It was so wierd, I didn't even know what she looked like. She came up to me. We had smoothies at this one smootie bar and they were gross. I tried to suck it down before she realized the nasty face I was probably making. She couln't stop calling her famly though. Everytime we would turn around she would be on the phone. It got really annoying after a while.
The next time I saw her, it was for your funeral. She came out to Cali and got a hotel. She only stayed for a few days, and I spent the night with her. I guess it was nice, we bonded a little more. We ate breakfast at Mcdonald's and I was still very speechless, so we didn't talk about you much. When she left I missed her a lot. I'm not sure why. I think it's because she reminds me of you so much.
This last visit was outragous. Her kids are very cute, and very structured. It's crazy how perfect her life seems. Perfect husband, perfect kids, perfect house, perfect vacations, and I can't help but think how much she could have helped me. How I suffered for so long and she was never there. She's apologized many times, but I still can't get over it. I made a vow to never ever do that to anyone I care about. It's a terrible feeling. She got to meet my best friend Jaymee and her feelings about your sister were very funny. You would have laughed so hard if you heard what she had to say.
I always wonder what it was like with you two. If you were close or not. I can only go by what she has to say which is only one sided. I know a little of what you had said, but those stories are crazy.